In today’s technological era, technology impacts every C-Level executive or LOB leader. In their daily jobs, CxO’s decisions are based on information – as aggregation of data – residing in many different applications and databases.
Trasformation rules retrieved from metadata management system allow the accuracy of each needed information.
Any company business process has to be brought at a physical level to ensure that each business rule is properly configured and executed by the IT systems.
Usually the knowledge of these IT processes is covered by individuals who own “how things are done”. Often this knowledge is also not shared inside the Company and it is lost when the one person who ‘knows’ is no longer available.
Each CxO should ask Company’s IT dept reliable and trustworthy data that allows him to make the right decisions on strategy and tactics.
This is only possible when data are complete, usable, automatic, validated and historicized. In one sentence, when there is a Reversal Data Lineage solution running on IT physical level.