The event will take place online on March 16th and 17th

The DMS is an exclusive event to guide the data management community in the technological landscape, talking more about solutions than platforms. Its objective is to be an open discussion forum to share experiences and use cases. A fundamental summit for CTO, CDO, CIO, Data Scientists who implement emerging technologies to solve new technological challenges and align with new business opportunities.

“We have been delighted to sponsor again this important event as main sponsor. We believe it is essential for all those working in the field of data to be able to meet different realities, to use the experiences of each one to increase their knowledge and to better face the difficult challenges lying ahead of us, including those posed by the pandemic. To this aim, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of what we expect from each single effort, and, in my experience, sometimes this is not the case.” – said Stefano Mino, Sales Director and Co-Founder of AboutDataGovernance, the Data Lineage Company

“Seneca said: ‘If a man knows not to which port he sails, no wind is favorable’. I have my own version: ‘No wind is favorable for the man who does not know from which port he has set sail’.  Every day I see companies mainly focusing on the analysis and definition of their Data Governance initiative at the business level, putting a lot of effort into defining how the company should operate and dwelling at length on the organizational model, the methodological approach, the glossary, etc., while neglecting to concurrently work on the IT purely technical part, probably taking it for granted when it is not. On the contrary, it is probably the most difficult aspect of a Data Governance initiative.

It is precisely that ‘port of departure’ that is essential to know to be able to concretely start the expected change process. If, on the other hand, the ‘physical’ part of the IT process was to be involved from the outset, together with the Application Development and Operations functions, the initiative could bring forward the ROI in months rather than years.

This is evidenced by the fact that 70% of our clients did not engage us because of a Data Governance initiative, but because they needed to improve their efficiency and reduce their management costs, which is even more achievable in the Data Governance scope.

I hope that, through events such as the DMS one, CIOs, CTOs and CDOs will take the opportunity to compare their own experiences with success stories and concrete solutions and, at the same time, to define corrective actions if necessary. In my opinion, this is indeed the true value of the Data Management Summit. 

Sharing is an action that brings added value to both those who receive the sharing and those who share it. From the very beginning, we saw great potential in Data Management Summit in terms of re-sharing experiences, and this is what immediately led us to join the Data Management Summit project. As proof of this we can say that we have already obtained some tangible benefits, thanks to the collaboration relationship with Data Management Summit.” – concluded Stefano Mino.

“AboutDataGovernance and Stefano Mino have always supported the event, it is a pleasure to have them once again at the DMS” said Michele Iurillo from Synergo! “Redirecting business processes within a Reversal Data Lineage is always a challenge and they are a reference in this.” 

For DMS Summit agenda, speaker and other details, pls follow the following link: